by Glenn San Luis | Philippine Daily Inquirer
This week we continue discussing a trend that became prevalent last year and continues to do so as we all adjust to the new normal: the migration online of a significant chunk of businesses.
We asked Almie Borromeo, our resource person on online marketing, for her take on how to manage this migration effectively.
Consumers are searching for everything online—from products and services to the next best restaurant to try for dinner, and they want this information on demand. Consumers are adapting to the new normal through one thing that has arisen even more: technology. The use of technology through gadgets and mobile devices has become a part of our day to day lives and chances are you are reading this article on your mobile phone.
The internet is an infinite space where we research, make appointments, leave reviews and shop. It’s a virtual door to your business and you want consumers to find that door. Understanding where and how they are searching, what platforms they are using, and the type of engagement that will convert them to customers, will help differentiate your business from your competitors.
Here are three actionable to-do’s you can implement to strengthen your online presence and be present where your potential customers are:
Design a consumer-centric website
While there are a ton of moving parts when planning a new site or redesigning an existing one you want to ensure the site is built using responsive technology. Having a responsive website that will render properly whether it is being viewed on a desktop, tablet or mobile device. Hence, improving the overall user experience.
Build a solid social media presence
Having a strong social media presence is no longer merely “good to have” or optional. Think about it this way—your website is a place where consumers learn about WHAT you are selling whether it is products or services and social media is a place where consumers learn about WHO you are as a business. Social media is an outlet where you share company values, shared interests or community connections. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram could help you capture a wider audience, establish credibility and build trust.
Optimize your content for voice searches
The advancement of various technologies like AI (artificial intelligence) has given consumers quicker access to information through devices like Amazon’s Echo, also known as Alexa, or Apple’s Siri. As a business with an online presence, you want to ensure you are showing up where and how your consumers are searching.
When creating content, you want to consider using a conversational approach because when consumers use voice searches, they are using casual phrases and questions. The FAQ (frequently asked questions) page of your website is a great place to start.Borromeo will conduct a four-hour virtual workshop on “Ensure Your Target Market Finds You: The Online Customer Journey” on April 27-28.
Inquirer Academy also offers other courses to help you strengthen your online presence such as “Creating Content and Building Relations with Media” and “Social Media Analytics” which will be conducted on March 15-16 and April 12, respectively. INQ
For your online learning needs, Inquirer Academy could assist you in designing and facilitating a webinar or virtual workshop for your organization.
For more information about the workshops and schedule of online courses offered by Inquirer Academy, please email, or call (0945) 2158935 and look for Jerald Miguel.
The author is the Executive Director of the Inquirer Academy