Course Instructor | Jill Santos and Alyssa Dar Juan
Why take this course?
You want a happy and meaningful life, of course.
Positive Psychology was founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to bring out what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play. Positive psychology is important because discovering what leads people to live more meaningful lives can translate to having mental wellness, correcting negative behaviors, and increasing our happiness and productivity.
This self-paced online course focuses on the PERMA Model of Happiness and Wellbeing, and how you can apply it through various techniques and practices. Enjoy the easy-to-understand videos on demand, as well as the activities that will give you time for reflection and self-discovery. Cheers to your continued journey of a happy and meaningful life.
Course highlights
Module 1: Foundations of Positive Psychology
1. What is Positive Psychology (and what is it not)?
2. What are the main pillars of Positive Psychology?
3. How does Positive Psychology impact our wellbeing?
Module 2: Let’s talk about Happiness?
1. What is Happiness (and what is it not)?
2. What constitutes a happy life?
3. How can we achieve Happiness?
Module 3: PERMA Model of Happiness and Wellbeing
1. Positive Emotions
2. Engagement
3. Relationships
4. Meaning/ Purpose
5. Accomplishment
Module 4: Application of Positive Psychology in our daily lives
1. Caring for our Wellbeing through Self-Care
2. Mindfulness and Meditation
3. Reframing our Mindset through Optimism and Gratitude
4. Emphasizing our strengths and renewing our purpose through Goal-setting
Who should attend?
This course will be beneficial to anyone 18 years old and above. At every point in our lives, we renew our search for meaning and reclaim happiness. If you are a parent/ guardian, you may take this course with your children. This will also help you have meaningful conversations with them. If you are an HR professional, this course will also give you ideas for wellness programs for your organization.
About the instructor
Jill and Alyssa are Inquirer Academy’s resource persons on psychological wellbeing (webinars and workshops). Both are founders of FAM MNL which is a mental health advocacy group that aims to break the stigma and educate the public on mental health and psychological issues. Their goal is to come up with ways that can help people feel a sense of family wherein they are comfortable talking about themselves with kindness and respect. Both are mental health providers at Magis Creative Spaces.
Jill is also a facilitator for expressive arts psychosocial programs, a licensed Kids Yoga instructor, and a mindfulness coach.
Alyssa or DJ is a registered psychometrician, a volunteer counselor for people with anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, and is a Crisis Line Responder at InTouch Community Services